Flight of the Silver Dart, Baddeck 2009 Media Launch – August 15, 2008
Silver Dart Flight Centennial Anniversary – Feb. 20 – 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Coin & Postage Stamp Unveiling
Student Assembly throughout Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Centennial Gala Dinner & Community Celebrations with the Governor General of Canada & Representative of the British Royal Family
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Flypast of Golden Hawks and vintage civilian aircraft (CAPA)
Launch of National Aviation Art Exhibit, Alexander Graham Bell Museum
Community Events (Curling Bonspiel, Snowmobile Rally, etc.)
Monday, February 23, 2009 – National Aviation Day
Media Reception & Unveiling of Plaque
Flight of the Silver Dart Replica by Welland Aviation Group
Celebratory Fireworks
Think Tank Symposium – April 25 – 27, 2009
First Wednesday Night Think Tank for Symposium Presenters
Symposium #1
Think Tank Symposium #2 – May 20 – 22, 2009
Second Wednseday Night Thank Tank for Symposium Presenters
Symposium #2
Silver Dart Youth in Aviation – June 21 – 27, 2009
Youth in Aviation Week Activities
Silver Dart Air Show
Aviators Ball
Aerial Experiment Association Comes Alive in Baddeck – July & August, 2009
community activities
Silver Dart Cup, Bras d’Or Yacht Club Annual Regatta
Silver Dart Aviation Week – August 16 – 22, 2009
Simulators & Skyhawks
Aviation Day at the Alexander Graham Bell Museum – August 16th
Bell Kite Festival & Harvest Home Picnic – September 17 – 20, 2009
International Kite Makers Workshop
Kite Festival
Silver Dart Legacy Golf Tournament
Harvest Home Picnic, September 20th
“Building on the Spirit of the Silver Dart” Annual Innovation Conference –
October 1 – 3, 2009
this annual knowledge and technology conference would be aimed at various scientific, engineering, technology industry segments and groups
Baddeck and the AGB Museum would play hosts providing the motivation, locale, accommodations, logistical support but the industry or special interest group would provide the programming guidance and access to their audiences
The concept would be to become inspired by Bell and his work and the beautiful Baddeck area to promote progress and innovation in a particular industry or among an expert group
Think Tank Symposium #3 – November 18 – 20, 2009
Third Wednseday Night Thank Tank for Symposium Presenters
Symposium #3
Salute to the Silver Dart Centennial – December 31, 2009
Wrap-Up & Thank You Reception, Alexander Graham Bell Museum
In addition to the Sivler Dart Celebration, other events are happening across Canada as part of the Canadian Centennial of Flight. For more information, contact (we’ll get you this email or web address).